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COVER STORY RACING LINES The Perfect Lap The core challenge for any racing driver is to master a fast lap then repeat it time and again. Will Gray spoke to some expert instructors and data engineers, for tips on how to improve your pace and consistency Ask any racing instructor the key to a fastest lap and they will tell you there is no answer. That may not be what you want to hear when trying to unravel the secrets of the racing line and how to master it, but the number of variables that exist means that goal is never the same twice. There are some fundamental principles to going fast in a racing car. Concentration, self-belief, and desire are all part of the mix, but they cannot be taught, they are only acquired through practise and time out on track. Technique, however, can be taught – and there are plenty of tips to be had on that. Back to basics Good cornering technique involves perfecting three key elements: braking in a straight line before the corner, turning in and hitting the apex in the right place and getting on the 42 power as soon as possible on the exit. Getting this right, however, is far more complex. Brake hard: Most racing instructors will agree that braking is the most important element of all. The key is to stop hard and sharp, but as Ronan Pearson, a British Touring Car Championship (BTCC) driver and driving instructor at Knockhill, will attest, that is extremely alien to anyone who is used to driving a road car, where standard practice is to gently squeeze the brakes. “So many times, people will brake as though they have got eggs in the boot,” reveals Pearson. “Actually, you want to be hard on the brakes and pitching the car forwards before you enter the corner, feeling like you are moving forward in that seat, feeling the load through the car. That is one of the biggest opportunities for time gains.” Revolution - September 2023